Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hello from Ohio...

Well, we're here. I arrived in Ohio on Thursday, November 2nd at 6pm after a grueling 20 hour drive in a 26 foot U-Haul truck. I consumed a six-pack of water, four frapacinos, one coffee (which sucked!), three mountain dews and almost four packs of cigarettes...needless to say I felt like shit when I arrived but I was and still am so thankful to be up here.

The mere fact that we are now residing in Ohio is a miracle in itself, not to mention our last month and a half in Florida when I was unemployed. These past two months have been the biggest test of faith I think I have ever experienced, and all I can say is that God is so faithful. We never had a moment when we had an abundance of money but we never had moment when our financial obligations weren't met. It's much too long of a story for me to go into now, but it is amazing how everything worked out to make this move possible.

Our house is nice, small but nice and it has a partially finished basement where I have setup shop with my desk and computer. The kids have started school and they seem to be enjoying it, and little Eliot continues to develop each and every day.

Overall life is good right now.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations my friend.

Hope all goes smoothly with the transition. We'll be praying for all of you.

Kirby Hasseman said...

Welcome back my friend. I will be checking in regularly!