Friday, October 06, 2006

Marijuana may stave off Alzheimer's

Interesting article on this morning. Couple things I wanted to highlight:

Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in California found that marijuana's active ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, can prevent the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from breaking down more effectively than commercially marketed drugs. (bold added by me)

So something that grows naturally from the earth, which God must've created, does a better job than man-made drugs. Then why is...

Possessing marijuana for recreational use is illegal in many parts of the world, including the United States, though some states allow possession for medical purposes.

I'm not some hippie stoner who is just trying to justify the use of marijuana, but it is clear that it does have it's benefits. Here are some questions if anyone out there feels like answering for me:

1. If marijuana was created by God and He gave us dominion over everything in nature, why then is marijuana perceived as something bad? (remember He only gave Adam and Eve one restriction in the Garden and it wasn't too stay away from this plant.)

2. Why do we spend so much money, at both the State and Federal level, on a bogus Drug War and arresting and imprisoning people for growing a plant?

3. Could this all happen to be about the almighty dollar?

The third question is ultimately the heart of the matter. There would be so many people who would lose money if marijuana was legalized...and we do happen to live in the grand U.S. of A. where the dollar is king.

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