Monday, November 21, 2005


Physically, spiritually, emotionally frail. Left to ourselves, we all are any one of these. It has been four days since my father was discharged from the hospital and I continue to be haunted by the same dream since he initially went it...myself laying in a hospital bead unable to breathe on my own, wishing I could go outside with my children and play with them.

Now I don't know if my dad even brushed up against death while he was in the hospital, but I feel that this is just the beginning of what will be many hospital admissions for him until he departs this life. He's only sixty-five and he told me that he knows he won't live to be very much older.

God! I don't want that to be me. For the past eight years I have let my frailty get the best of me...and it is very much all my fault. I choose to eat fast-food, to not excercise, to light up a smoke whenever I feel stressed or for just the hell of it. Why can I not make the right choice or am I just too stuborn to make the right choice. I have made too many promises, too many quick responses of "I'm going to quit" as soon as this or that happens.

Well, tomorrow I will once again embark on the wearisome journey of quiting smoking. I have one more left, which I am saving for just the right moment this evening, and that will be it...I hope.

I need to do this...I need to be strong...Father grant me the strength I need and the wisdom to make better choices concerning my frail being.

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